Tuesday, 28 February 2012

“Tough year ahead” says Midlands TUC Chair

Lee Barron, re elected as Chair of the Midlands TUC
Lee Barron has been elected Chair of the Midlands TUC for the second year running at Saturday’s annual conference in Derby. Lee is a member of the Communication Workers Union and was overwhelmingly voted in as Chair for another 12 months at Midlands TUC annual conference, representing almost 1 million trade unionists across the Midlands.
Lee Barron, Midlands TUC Chair, said: “I’m pleased to be elected for another term to this important role in the Midlands.
“I will continue with the trade union movement’s work of being the last-line of defence for working people against the government cuts.
“We’ve seen how effective our campaigns against job and welfare cuts can be – with the situation hopefully looking brighter at Bombardier and major changes being made to the government’s Health and Social Care Bill which so badly threatens our NHS.
“The next year will be a major challenge as the effects of the Tory-led government cuts will hit people across the Midlands even harder. We’ll be taking that message to Tory Party Conference in Birmingham in October and continuing to campaign on behalf of ordinary working people across the region.
“A highlight I’m looking forward to is launching the Women Chainmakers festival in June and continuing our celebration of local history.”

Lee Barron is from Northampton and holds the position of Midlands Regional Secretary for the Communication Workers Union. He was first elected to Midlands TUC Chair in 2011.
Rob Johnston, Midlands TUC Regional Secretary, said: “Delegates from across the trade union movement in the Midlands came together in Derby for the 2012 Midlands TUC AGM at the weekend
In the year ahead working people and their families face many challenges as austerity continues to hurt the most vulnerable in our society.
We will be campaigning hard for an alternative economic approach, speaking up for public services and for a fairer society.
Lee Barron, elected for a second year as Midlands TUC Chair, will undoubtedly provide tremendous leadership for the movement throughout the coming important 12 months.”

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