Tuesday, 14 February 2012

DVLA staff protest on Valentine’s Day over massacre of public services

In response to the government’s plans to close DVLA's 39 local and enforcement offices around the UK, putting 1,200 jobs at risk, PCS members are taking part in a campaign to save their jobs and to preserve the provision of important services locally across DVLA’s network of offices in England, Wales and Scotland.
At present the future of the offices are subject to a public consultation, with DVLA’s preference being that all offices close, and the services are centralised, put on line or provided by third part intermediaries.
Commenting, Dave Cliff, PCS DVLA National Officer said, "As the consultation proceeds, it is clear that the proposals for replacing local offices are based on what DVLA would like to be able to provide its customers, not what service DVLA is going to be able to provide its customers. PCS believes that many of the proposed replacement services represent a retrograde step to the service currently provided by the existing offices.”

There will be a demo today outside DVLA offices around the country between 12.30 and 1.30, including.

Northampton: Bedford Rd, Ground Floor Riverside House, Riverside Way, Northampton, NN1 5PE.

Nottingham: Nottingham Business Park, Unit D, Orchard Place, Off Woodhouse Way, Nottingham, NG86PX

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