Monday, 24 March 2014

PCS Walkout at Ofqual 26th March at 12.30 in support of Sofia Azam

PCS have informed the TUC of further strike action in support of Sofia Azam who has been sacked from Ofqual.  Please do what you can to suport Sofia and her union in this dispute.

No progress in ACAS talks
JOIN the walkout WEDNESDAY 26th MARCH at 12.30pm
Ofqual, Spring Place, Herald Avenue

Management at Ofqual, along with PCS, met ACAS this Wednesday to try and settle the dispute over the sacking of the PCS rep Sofia’s dismissal. Unfortunately, no progress was made.
Reps are not only disappointed, but angry over this outcome, and another half day walkout has been called for this Wednesday.

Background to the dispute
Management at Ofqual, the examinations qualifications regulator have sacked PCS branch chair Sofia Azam. PCS believe that this is a clear case of trade union victimisation and members in her branch have already staged a half day walk out last month.

We are calling on all trade unionists and supporters to Join us at 12.30 outside Ofqual, Spring Place, Herald Avenue, Coventry, CV5 6UB on Wednesday 26th March at 12.30 followed by a short rally at the Standard Triumph.

Please send messages of support and donations to:- PCS, C/O Andrew Lloyd, Regional Secretary, New Oxford House, 16 Waterloo St, Birmingham B2 5UG
Email or

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