Monday, 25 June 2012

Disability Forum celebrate contribution to Aids charity

Members of the Midlands TUC Disability Forum with the presentation cheque for nearly £500 to support Trade Sexual Health
The Midlands TUC Disability Forum lead a fundraising event for World Aids Day last December with members of Unison and Unite descending on the Nightingale Club to raise awareness of our trade union movement and to bucket collect for two HIV charities in the midlands that face funding reductions through PCT and local government budget cuts
 The trade union team was very well received at the club and the majority of customers being either young LGBT or students meant we were able to educate and inform about both the importance of trade unions and raise awareness of HIV.
Collectively over £500 was raised between the bucket collection, donations from Unite the Union West Midlands, Unison Sussex Police and Justice Branch, HSBC Commercial Services Leicester and thanks go to the support of our Unite and Unison members, especially the Unison West Midlands LGBT Self  Organised Group!

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