Friday, 3 August 2012

March for a Future that Works - September Mobilising Events

So far there are a number of events organised for September for trade unionists and campaigners to get involved with.

- 8th September - Stop the attacks on disabled workers. Soup kitchen stunt organised by PCS Disabled members and mass leafletting session. 12 noon, the High St, Birmingham City Centre by Waterstones.

- 22nd September - Placard Protest and Rally. Stunt organised Birmingham UNISON. Write your placard then join the protest to the rally, led by the Clarion singers. 12 noon, the High St, Birmingham City Centre by Waterstones.

There is a mobilising meeting for both the 7th and 20th October rallies on Monday 20th August at 6pm.  All welcome at Birmingham and Midland Institute, 9 Margaret Street, Birmingham, B3 3BS (Committee Room, 2nd floor)

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