Thursday, 31 May 2012

Former Midlands TUC Chair to retire

John Freeman, left, pictures with Ed Balls
at a Regional TUC meeting
Today we say farewell to John Freeman, former Chair of the Midlands TUC, who takes a well earned retirement from UNISON. John was chair for two years from 2008 - 2010.
John started working for the Labour movement with the public services union, Nupe in London, subsequently moving to the midlands and working out of Nottingham. Latterly, John was based at the UNISON head office in London.
John was a TUC representative on the East Midlands Regional Assembly for a number of years and chaired the policy board which led the way on major strategies including tackling inequalities and climate change. John was always keen to ensure the voice of working people was heard - and more importantly taken into account  - when decisions were made.
We wish John a long, healthy and happy retirement, no doubt he will stay active in the wider movement.

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