Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Manufacturing boost for Derbyshire/Staffordshrie

It has been great to learn of the recent manufacturing boost in Derbyshire/Staffordshire. The new jobs clearly shows that, with investment and support, the Midlands’ manufacturing sector can be the engine of growth that we all so desperately want to see.

JCBJCB have today announced that they will create around 350 jobs. The first 50 jobs will be in Foston Derbyshire with a further 300 jobs to be created over the next few years at the various plants across Staffordshire. The £31 million investment in JCB’s future was made possible through £4.5 million investment from the Regional Growth Fund.
ToyotaFollowing a £100million investment Toyota will be creating 1,500 posts at Burnaston over the next two years.

Nestlé is investing £110 million into its coffee factory in Hatton. It is anticipated that this investment will create 300 skilled jobs, increasing the workforce from 500 to 800 and establishing Nestlé ‘s wn training academy.
Rolls-Royce It has also been reported that Rolls-Royce have increased their Derby workforce by 800. Around 50% of these are new jobs with the other half involving relocations from other Rolls-Royce plants around the UK. A number of these new jobs include graduate and apprenticeships.
Rolls-Royce’s order book has more than doubled since 2006 and currently stands at more than £50bn with more than 2,400 firm orders for the Trent engines that are designed and built in Derby.

The Regional Growth Fund has shown what can be done with Government support for manufacturing. We all know that our economy needs better paying, quality jobs and that we need to increase our manufacturing base. We need the Government to learn the lessons of Derby to ensure that we see a continued investment in our region and ongoing support for our manufacturing sector

The recent successes of course are clouded by the Government’s disastrous handling of the Bombardier Thameslink contract. If the Government would only climb down over Thameslink and also ensure that Bombardier is granted the E-Voyager and Southern contracts then we can all celebrate the areas recent manufacturing upturn.

Investment in manufacturing is crucial if we are to see the return of growth. We have already seen what impact the Regional Growth Fund can have. Government support can, and does, lever in private sector investment. Now is the time for the Government to step up to the plate and deliver the long overdue, serious, sustained and significant investment in manufacturing that we need to see to secure growth and a sustainable, re-balanced economy.

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