Monday, 24 January 2011

Benefits claimants protest at 38% cut

Protest outside the Jobcentre Plus offices in Chesterfield
Chesterfield benefits claimants protested against huge cuts to allowances today as the government continues its' unprecedented attack on welfare reciepients. Midlands TUC  Regional Secretary said, "These cuts of £25 a week constitute a 38% cut from £90 to just £65 a week. How can the government expect the poorest in society to cope with such cuts to the family income? Benefits are cut as bankers continue to award themselves obscenly huge bonusus - so much for all being in it together."
Cheryl Pidgeon and Colin Hampton address
 the claimants outside JobCentre Plus
Derbyshire Unemployed Workers Centre Coordinater Colin Hampton said, "We know that direct appeals to this government will fall on deaf ears but we shall not go away. We will continue to protest at these savage cuts to ensure people are aware of the damage being done to family incomes."

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