Wednesday, 17 November 2010

First meeting of Midlands TUC Disability Forum

Delegates to the first
Midlands TUC Disability Forum
Today (Wednesday) sees the first meeting of the Midlands TUC Disability Forum. Delegates will be considering a plan of work for the forthcoming year.
Activity is likely to include:
  • Organising and building community alliances
  • Industrial workplace startegy
  • Political lobbying
  • Communications re Disability issues.
  • Disability policies within the workplace
TUC Midlands Regional Secretary Cheryl Pidgeon said, "Disability issues affect many people in our workplaces and society. But it's not just about having the right equipment or modifying access to buildings, important as those things are. We need to ensure that disability issues are mainstreamed and that people understand that a fair society means using the skills and expertise of all in society. We should see the ability in people - not their disability".

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