Tuesday, 22 December 2009

CWU Youth Conference and Social event - 29th and 30th January 2010

The CWU will be holding its Annual Youth Conference on Saturday 30th January 2010 at the Regional Offices, 46-48 Summer Lane, Birmingham, B19 3TH. The CWU would like to offer any young activists from other unions the fraternal invitation to attend this event as a visitor and guest of the CWU.
In addition, the CWU Midland Regional Youth Committee (MRYC) have organised a social event the night before for attending delegates. This is an open invite to that event also.
The venue for the social event is:
B15 1SU
The social kicks off from 19:30 till late. There will be a buffet available and music from the brilliant experimental hip-hop band 7th Wave and guest DJ’s. The MRYC have as one of their priorities for the year to fund raise for the CWU Humanitarian Aid charity - the social event is an ideal opportunity to generate donations for CWU HA in the form of raffle prizes etc. Any assistance in this venture would be very much appreciated and the CWU Midland Youth Committee would welcome any affordable donations unions can afford to make fund raising for CWU HA more successful.
To donate for the purchasing of raffle prizes etc please make any cheques payable to “CWU YOUTH” or to donate directly to CWU HA please make any cheques payable to “CWU Humanitarian Aid” – please send any donations to:

CWU Midland Regional Youth Committee,
C/O CWU Room G01,
29 St. Katherines Street,
Northampton, NN1 2QZ
For more info on CWU HA go to: http://www.cwuha.org/
On behalf of the CWU I sincerely hope that a young activist from your Union will be able to attend the Youth Conference and the social event. To reserve a place please contact me at:
c/o CWU Room GO1
29 St Katherines Street,

Northampton, NN1 2QZ
Mob: 07711070684 Email: gareth.eales@yahoo.co.uk
Yours fraternally,
Gareth Eales
CWU Midland Regional Youth Secretary

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