The following post has been sent out from LabourStart calling for help for Iraq's trade unions.

The Iraqi government is once again interfering in the affairs of the country's unions -- and the unions need our help. At their request, we've launched a new online campaign.
If this sounds familiar, it's because stuff like this has been going on for several years now and it's not the first time we've been asked to send off letters of protest.
So the question you may be asking yourself is -- why bother?
It's a question I put to Iraqi trade unionists when they asked me to launch a new campaign this week.
I was surprised to learn that in fact, Iraqi politicians are quite sensitive to these campaigns.
The Prime Minister in a press conference back in December acknowledged the role of international solidarity. This was echoed in a recent meeting between Iraqi union leaders and the Deputy Prime Minister. He told the trade unionists that the government wants to pass a new labour law in order to stop global trade union pressure on the Iraqi government.
In other words, they hear what we've been saying. Our campaigns work.
The most recent crackdown is particularly serious and the Iraqi unions with the full support of the international trade union movement want to flood the Prime Minister's inbox with angry messages from around the world.
Please visit the campaign page, read what the Iraqi government is trying to do and then send off your message of protest.
But please don't stop there.
Forward on this message to your fellow trade union members, to your family and friends.
The Iraqi government doesn't like "global trade union pressure". If that's the case, let's ramp up the pressure. Let's involve thousands of people who've never been involved before. Let's send them a loud and clear message that says --
Hands off the unions!
I hope I can count on your support.
Thank you.
Eric Lee

The Iraqi government is once again interfering in the affairs of the country's unions -- and the unions need our help. At their request, we've launched a new online campaign.
If this sounds familiar, it's because stuff like this has been going on for several years now and it's not the first time we've been asked to send off letters of protest.
So the question you may be asking yourself is -- why bother?
It's a question I put to Iraqi trade unionists when they asked me to launch a new campaign this week.
I was surprised to learn that in fact, Iraqi politicians are quite sensitive to these campaigns.
The Prime Minister in a press conference back in December acknowledged the role of international solidarity. This was echoed in a recent meeting between Iraqi union leaders and the Deputy Prime Minister. He told the trade unionists that the government wants to pass a new labour law in order to stop global trade union pressure on the Iraqi government.
In other words, they hear what we've been saying. Our campaigns work.
The most recent crackdown is particularly serious and the Iraqi unions with the full support of the international trade union movement want to flood the Prime Minister's inbox with angry messages from around the world.
Please visit the campaign page, read what the Iraqi government is trying to do and then send off your message of protest.
But please don't stop there.
Forward on this message to your fellow trade union members, to your family and friends.
The Iraqi government doesn't like "global trade union pressure". If that's the case, let's ramp up the pressure. Let's involve thousands of people who've never been involved before. Let's send them a loud and clear message that says --
Hands off the unions!
I hope I can count on your support.
Thank you.
Eric Lee
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