9 June 2010, 14.00-15.30
The Olympics is a multi-million dollar industry, yet most workers producing sportswear and Olympic souvenirs for sale on our high streets continue to be paid poverty wages and work in degrading conditions. Playfair found 12-year-old child workers, adults earning 14p an hour, and employees made to work up to 15 hours a day, seven days a week, producing Olympic merchandise.
But, it shouldn’t be this way. It’s time for the organisers of the London Games, the sportswear industry and the International Olympic Committee to take responsibility for the working conditions in the global supply chains producing these goods. As workers, trade unionists, students and consumers, we are linked to the millions of workers employed in these supply chains. Acting together, we have the power to bring about change and demand that London 2012 is the first ethical Olympics – providing Decent Work and dignity for all.
Find out more about the issues facing workers employed in supply chains producing sportswear and Olympic merchandise. Discover how you can get involved in the Playfair 2012 campaign and make a real difference to the lives of millions of mainly female workers, who help to make the Olympics possible.
Speakers:Tracy Clarke NEC member, Community
Lilis Mahmudah NEC member, Serikat Pekerja Nasional (Textile and Garment Trade Union), Indonesia
Sharon Sukhram, Playfair 2012 Campaign Co-ordinator, TUC
Followed by Q&As
Venue: Teversal Visitors Centre, Carnarvon Street, Teversal, Sutton – in – Ashfield, Notts, NG17 3HJ http://www.teversaltrails.com/find.htm
Please register for this event by sending an email to Ginny Pope at gpope@community-tu.org.uk
This event is part of a national speaker tour organised by the Playfair 2012 campaign. Playfair 2012 is coordinated by the Trades Union Congress and Labour Behind the Label, and supported by Anti-Slavery International; ATL, ASLEF, BECTU, Community, CWU, EIS, GMB, ITGLWF, NASUWT, NUJ, NUS, NUT, PCS, People and Planet, Prospect, PFA, STUC, UCATT, UNISON, Unite and War on Want
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