Friday, 10 December 2010

A future that works: a TUC National Rally for Young People

The TUC's conference "A Future that works" will be held at Manchester Town Hall on Saturday January 29th 2011 from 10.30am to 2.30pm
The aim of the rally will be to highlight the impact of the recession and the coalition cuts on young workers and young people in general.
Speakers will include representatives from unions and the TUC, the NUS and other partner organisations. There will also be at least two speakers from union Young Members sections.
To ensure that as many unions as possible are represented and are able to participate, places will initially be allocated on the following basis;
· Unions with over 500,000 - 45 places
· Unions with over 250,000 - 35 places
· All other unions - 20 places
If you want to attend as a delegate you must get in contact with your union who will have their own proceedures for appointing delegates.
Further allocations may be made nearer to the event depending on uptake and demand.
The TUC will be asking unions to submit the names of attendees from their respective unions and will be directing enquiries to union Young Members Officers and TUC Young Members Forum representatives.

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