As the snow falls in Derby, Action 4 Rail campaigners move indoors to discuss the next stages if the campaign.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
More interviews for Action 4 Rail
BBC Radio Derby have spent the morning st Derby railway station doing interviews with Action 4 Rail campaigners. Ken Usher, pictured, doing interview with the local radio reporter.
BBC Radio Derby interview RMT's Ken Usher
BBC Radio Derby have spent the morning at Derby railway station interviewing campaigners from Action 4 Rail. Ken Usher, Regional secretary for the RMT pictured, being interviewed by a reporter.
Action 4 Rail - again!
TUC regional secretary Rob Johnston being interviewed by BBC Radio Derby outside the mainline railway station.
Action for Rail at Derby station
Leafletting started early at Derby station as we explain the issues around government proposals to cut services to the rail services.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Pics from PCS picket line
John Foster and Rob Austin (PCS DWP Derbyshire branch secretary) on the picket line in Chesterfield outside the Job Centre
Meanwhile, over the road, Sheila Allen, Howard Rigby and Nick Dawson brave the cold at Chesterfield HMRC.
Osborne's budget will not build a future that works
Budget is wrong answer to the wrong question, says TUC
Speaking at the Birmingham rally
Next up is Kit Armstrong, regional Secretary of the NUT in the west midlands. Kit says her members are facing very similar attacks to PCS members.
Young people are bearing the brunt of our jobs crisis, says TUC

Message of support from Midlands TUC to striking PCS members
"The Midlands TUC sends its support and solidarity to the thousands of PCS members taking industrial action today in defence of their terms and conditions
Today George Osborne will announce yet more pain for the most vulnerable in society, whilst the dedicated civil service workers who tirelessly work to support the vulnerable are forced into taking action.
This government is out of touch with the public and out of touch with its workforce. Their attempts to railroad changes to terms and conditions without talking to PCS is shameful.
Let this action be a notice to the Government to get back around the table and talk to PCS to resolve the dispute"
Best wishes
Rob Johnston
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Birmingham Netroots gets underway!
The Birmingham Netroots meeting has started with introductions from Katharine Segal and Ravi Subramanian. Ravi, pictured, has emphasised the need to up our game on online campaigning.
Loads of people have arrived from all sorts of different backgrounds and experience, looks like its going to be a great day!